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Initiative Title

Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) Resource Guides

Initiative Details
The following LibGuides have been created providing a collection of information focused on the central theme of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI). The collaborators are continuously looking to expand and update these guides with more information and resources to increase DEI awareness across the Libraries, MSU Campus, and the general public.

In commemoration of the 100th anniversary of women's suffrage in the U.S., colleagues from the Library's Diversity Advisory Committee created a LibGuide compiling MSU Libraries’ and broader online resources to facilitate learning about the long path to voting equality. The guide outlines strategies for research, highlights sources specific to suffrage in Michigan, and explores how black women shaped the U.S. suffrage movement in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries as a critical force for change.

A LibGuide was created through collaboration between MSU Surplus Store and Recycling Center and the Libraries that is related to waste management, zero waste principles, and the connections to environmental racism/justice. This guide includes information and resources on waste management, consumerism, and the environmental justice impacts of disposing the products we buy. Promotion of the guide to other campus units has generated interest in additional collaboration with the library.

A LibGuide was created to provide MSU Libraries' staff with information on DEI and related topics. The information presented in this guide can act as an introduction or users can familiarize themselves more intimately with DEI education. Resources and tools will be periodically reviewed and continuously added to the guide in hopes of increasing awareness, improving intercultural understanding, and providing staff with the tools they need and desire to advance their DEI education.

Initiative Lead(s)
Chris DeFord
User Experience Professional
Julia Ezzo
Government Information, Packaging, & Political Science Librarian
Taylor Gruizinga
Reference and Discovery Services
Sharon Ladenson
Gender and Communication Studies Librarian
Lydia Tang
Special Collections Librarian
Eric Tans
Science Collections Coordinator, Environmental Sciences Librarian